Ryan & Isabel Elopement

Back in June- Ryan, Isabel and I had set out to Kananaskis for their adventurous anniversary elopement styled shoot. Last year I was so honored to stand beside Isabel as she married Ryan at her church. Over the past year we had been planning a hike together, and naturally, being that both Isabel and I are photographers- we decided it would be a great idea to bring along their wedding clothes, and create some art together. We enjoyed an evening around the campfire singing while Ryan played his guitar, and lucked out on weather as the thunderstorm that was in the forecast seemed to miss us by only a few kilometers. The next morning we were up at 4 am, and hiked 1/3 of the way up to the meadow for golden hour. We reached the summit by 9am where the most whimsical clouds engulfed us initially, but I think we were all glad when the warm sun returned, as it was only 4 degrees that morning!

Celebrating their faith on their wedding day + love for mountains a year later = the best of both worlds. I’m so blessed to call these two my friends. So many wonderful memories have been made this far, but I think this trip to the mountains has to be one of my favorites! Intimate adventures will forever be my thing, and time spent with Ryan & Isabel always brings me so much joy! <3

Also, wanna know a little secret? Isabel HAND MADE her wedding dress. Yup. That’s right. This girl is ridiculously talented. ANYWAYS, please carry on and enjoy some whimsical mountain magic- which is what my dreams are made of by the way- as well as our cute little deer friend who hung out with us! :)

Flowers: All Events Floral

Videographer: RD3 Productions